Trading News
Oct. 26, 20237 min read

The tips and lessons you’re missing…

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Written by Tim Bohen

Welcome to my updates, trading tips, and lessons from Tim Sykes’ 2023 Trader and Investor Summit. 

These are insights from successful traders that were delivered to paying attendees at the conference in Las Vegas. 

But you get them here today for free. 

So don’t waste this opportunity to learn from some of the best traders out there. 

Take these perspectives and tips and implement them into your own trading — they’re all provided in these traders’ own words!

You never know which idea could spark your ‘ah-ha’ moment…

Presenter #1: Ben Sturgill

Sturgill was the first presenter of the day and consequentially had to stall a bit for Tim Sykes … 

Freshly out of the shower, with his whole team sending urgent texts, Sykes was engaged in a trade he couldn’t miss.

Keep reading for Sykes’ profit on MSP Recovery Inc. (NASDAQ: LIFW) (starting stake was $3,570).

Interestingly enough, Sturgill’s extra few minutes helped him drive home the key idea behind this conference. The mindset traders need to grow in this niche … 

Ben asked everyone to take a dollar out of their wallets:

In the market, the dollar is your employee. Think of yourself as the CEO. We use the dollar as a tool to capitalize on opportunities and make more money.

If the trade isn’t working, if your employee is slacking … fire them.

Cut the trade. Even if it’s a small loss.

Every trader loses sooner or later. Successful traders learn how to control those losses and wait for the best opportunities.

There is a systematic approach to profits in the stock market. It involves small losses. That’s something we need to come to terms with.

And it’s a central point of Sykes’ strategy … 

Presenter #2: Tim Sykes “Capitalize On Opportunity”

There’s a lot of volatility in the market right now.

A lot of fear.

But don’t let the fear scare you away from the opportunities.

We’re living in the greatest era of human history. Sure, the world looks grim from certain angles … 

  • War between Russia and Ukraine
  • War between Israel and Hamas
  • Tech sanctions between China and The U.S.
  • Persistent inflation
  • High-interest rates from the FED

But you have to understand, human history is full of tragedy.

  • In the year 536 A.D., there was a volcanic winter.
  • In the 14th century … 
    • Mongol invasions.
    • The famine of 1315.
    • The black death of 1348.
    • Italian banks collapsed.
    • All told, in the 14th century it’s estimated 45 million died.
  • Even in the 17, 18, and 1900’s … 
    • Slavery.
    • Child labor.
    • Poverty.
    • Racial and sexual inequality.

Certain aspects of the world have always sucked. These days, it’s a reality we’re working to change.

But market volatility persists. And so do the trade opportunities.

It’s not gambling … there’s a process.

A few decades ago, people were at the mercy of global economies. But the digital revolution changed all of that.

The most dedicated individuals can build mind-numbing wealth from the safety of their homes. Especially during times of high volatility, like we’re seeing right now!

Don’t stay inside all day long … I encourage my students to get outside, travel, and smell the roses. But it beats trying to grow potatoes during a volcanic winter.

Take this morning for example. I’m in a hotel. I just got out of the shower. Back in the day, people needed to open a shop or sit in the office to make money.

I banked $420 from my hotel room in one morning. And I’m not the only one … 

Along the way, I’ve shown my process to others. And a lot of my millionaire students are in Vegas for this conference.

They’ll each present their journey including the most profitable patterns they’re using RIGHT NOW.

Without further ado.

I present, Matt Monaco.

Presenter #3: Matt Monaco “The Squeeze Has Not Yet Squoze”

I started studying Tim’s process in college.

Together with my friend Bryce Tuohey, we decided to go 100% all in. Commit to the process and trust the millionaire traders that did it before us.

That doesn’t mean we leveraged our whole accounts. It means we gave 100% every single day to work towards a self-sufficient and profitable future.

Eventually, all the puzzle pieces clicked.

But I couldn’t have done it without this major factor … 

My trading community.

Trading can be lonely. This isn’t a team sport. And most family members worth their weight will be skeptical of these trashy stocks.

It’s OK, that’s how you know they love you and care about your wellbeing. As a society, we’re taught to distrust the market’s trashy and volatile stocks.

But a lot of people don’t realize there are statistical opportunities within the chaos.

It’s not an easy journey. But that’s why your community is so important.

Bryce and I kept each other accountable. Tim Sykes laid out the rules that we needed to follow. I made sure Bryce wasn’t slacking, and Bryce made sure I wasn’t slacking.

Not only that, I attended a Sykes conference and grew my community to include Jack Kellogg and Kyle Williams.

Sykes’ Trading Challenge is so valuable because it introduces traders to a community hell-bent on personal growth.

They’re the reason I was able to persevere and pass the $1 million milestone.

My Top Pattern

My favorite patterns right now are short squeeze breakouts.

If you’re on a live stream with me you’ll hear me say, “The squeeze has not yet squoze”.

That means I’m watching a trash stock consolidate as short sellers try to push it down. And at any second, the consolidation could erupt into a huge spike.

The market is oversaturated with short sellers right now. They have the right thesis: if there’s a trash stock spiking, it should crash eventually.

But no one knows when. And no one knows how long the spike could last.

Plus, the more short sellers that pile into a stock, the higher the chance they’ll panic when they see bullish price action.

They have to buy to cover to exit the trade, and that creates a domino effect of short sellers blowing up as the stock pushes higher.

Hub Cyber Security Ltd. (NASDAQ: HUBC) is my top watch right now … 

  • It’s an Israeli cyber-security stock.
  • It’s consolidating under a key breakout level of $0.80.
  • It spiked 240% after the Middle East war broke out.
  • It’s a trash penny stock.

I’m just waiting for the shorts to panic.

Pay attention to key support and resistance. If the price falls below support, I’ll sell my position. 

That’s how disciplined traders react when a chart falls apart. An audience member asked today, “What happens if the trade doesn’t work? What does that look like?” It’s when the price falls through support. That’s when I sell and re-evaluate my position.

Those are wise words from a successful trader. That’s it for today from the conference! 

Have a great day everyone. See you back here tomorrow. 

Tim Bohen

Lead Trainer, StocksToTrade