Trading News
May. 8, 20235 min read

Four ways to trade TRVN

Tim BohenAvatar
Written by Tim Bohen

Many traders miss out on stock moves in the morning and only see giant moves after they happen. 

Then they kick themselves for missing the moves and wonder why they can’t see these stocks when everyone else does…

Maybe you felt that way after Trevena, Inc. (NASDAQ: TRVN) gained over 300% yesterday.

But you don’t have to miss these plays… 

You actually could’ve had three opportunities to get alerted to TRVN before its big move — one of them was absolutely free!

And all of them would’ve got you into the stock before it had a minimum 260% gain! 

The first alert could’ve got you in before it had a 320% move. 

But even if you missed all three alerts, there was another obvious way you could’ve traded TRVN…

It’s the same process we use every day.

So below I’ll share how TRVN checked the boxes for a trade …The three ways you could’ve been alerted to it…

Plus, I’ll give you access to the free service that alerted it when it was trading at just 91 cents…

Three TRVN Alerts & Four Potential Trades 

The first way you could’ve been alerted to TRVN yesterday was with the Breaking News Chat team… 

The analysts alerted that the company’s pain treatment was approved for use in China. 

The company is partnered with a Chinese company that owed TRVN a $3 million milestone payment upon approval, with another $15 million payment due after the first sale. 

When the Breaking News Chat team alerted the news in premarket, TRVN was trading at just 78 cents! 

The second alert for TRVN was when Oracle spit out its list of the top stocks to watch… 

Our algorithm picked it up as a stock with the potential to explode, and right after the market opened, it gave a signal entry price of 86 cents.

From there, the Oracle support and resistance level indicator can help you plan your trades… 

The next Oracle resistance level after the entry price was 90 cents … That turned out to be a safe play one of the SteadyTrade Team members took…

But if you want to be more aggressive you can scale out at each next resistance level. 

Or re-enter at support and exit at resistance — whatever strategy fits your trading style. 

The third way you could’ve been alerted to TRVN was completely free…

And you didn’t need StocksToTrade or Oracle to get it! 

Every trading day our team selects one of Oracle’s picks and signal level to send out to subscribers for free. 

Yesterday our team sent the TRVN alert to SMS subscribers when the stock was trading at just 91 cents!

That handed out potential gains of 260% — for free! 

Subscribe to get our next alert here

The fourth and final way you could’ve traded TRVN was to use the bread and bitter setup that’s been working almost every day for weeks. 

The dip and rip has kicked off big gainers almost since returning from hiatus… 

I first wrote about its return here.

TRVN’s dip and rip was right at the $1 psychological level and the stock checked a lot of boxes… 

It’s in the hot biotech sector, it has news, a low float, and it traded high volume. 

And it made its move after 9:45 a.m. Eastern…

TRVN chart: 1-day, 5-minute candle — courtesy of

That gave shorts plenty of time to load up. 

Then it ripped their faces off when it broke the premarket high.

If you want all the tools that alerted TRVN — sign up for our webinars where we show you the entire system we use to trade every day

And get our free SMS alerts every morning here

If you want to study all the patterns I use and keep up with what I see working in the market — get my 10-Pattern ebook and my Market Update videos here

Have a great day everyone. See you back here tomorrow. 

Tim Bohen

Lead Trainer, StocksToTrade